14 June is a day when world celebrates Jayanti of Paramahanda Sadhvi Tridevi Maa. This day Mamaji chose to spend serving people, below are Her own words about this day:
"Om TATri Om...
Those who follow me either in person and / or through social networks, know about my comorbidities... the chronicles and those who "come and go" for one reason or another... but for my way of living TATri, everything is learning at the end and Purification...
So on the last day, June 14th, in the early morning of the birthday of this body (from the 13th to the 14th) we went out to deliver the 450 kits that we managed to collect with so much love to share and distribute to those who are in vulnerable situations...

This photo portrays the moment when I felt I had to go down a huge flight of stairs because I felt it was necessary and this being was there....
Incredible as it may seem, he was not from the street... nobody is... we all have an origin beyond the fact that, at some point, we have felt lost... However, he was a man who has a job and a grown-up daughter... So he said to me: - you know I'm not from the streets...
I said: -yes, I know!....
he said to me: -I lost my son and my wife in the pandemic... I don't want to live anymore... so I leave work and I come to be on the street because I don't feel motivated for anything else... this blanket I have is not mine... it's borrowed...
I told him: - I understand you, it's hard... but here we continue to live and to be able to honour this life that still chooses us and the memory of those we love and today remain only in our hearts... I give you a blanket only yours... And I give you a leaflet so that you can find us.
Then he grabs the leaflet and takes half a centimetre from the face and I realise that he cannot see... and he says to me:
- I have a high level of glaucoma and I can't see anything but lumps and I can somewhat distinguish between light and dark...
I said: - enough for now then... go and rest and in a little while it's a new day to go on being and remaking yourself... try to find us somehow
He said : - tomorrow I will ask my daughter to read me everything and help me to look for you. I feel it will be all different. I don't know why... I'm going to look for them.
So I told him: - rest... and tomorrow get up to live! It's going to be all right!
Then when we finished handing over everything, this moment didn't leave my soul...🔥...
I stayed all night feeling this moment and interspersing it with everything we were experiencing afterwards... and it was impossible not to reflect 💠about how much time we spend with unnecessary things while what is necessary passes before our eyes 👀... I am not talking about things... I am talking about emotional moments which is the only thing that remains internally as master learning, when there is no option for mental belief....
This man went down to embrace the hardest and darkest part of his being every night while remaining invisible to the whole... He grasped or grasps his pain and goes down to the closest thing his mind knows, of the underworld or hell itself... Then the sun rises and he pretends to live again... how many human beings do the same, even without going to these extremes?
Without having lost anything as significant as a child and a partner... but they choose to ignore life and die every day denying it without the possibility of accepting its cycle minimally... it is true that the pain of the physical loss of a loved one is heartbreaking.... however, it is part of the cycle of life... the mind does not ache for death because it lives it as an essential certainty for the valuation of what is really necessary here and now... but it hurts the way life has ceased to be or has been taken away...
observe... for me in particular, what has killed part of my heart has not been that my father or other loved ones have died, because nothing can separate us from what we love... for they live and will live in our hearts forever... but the way that life ceases to be, is what tears our souls down... this is what this man lives... the partial dejection of the soul... Beyond this... while there is life, there are always possibilities. Let us honour the life we are and the moments we can share with our loved ones because whether they are little or much, the most important thing is the quality of these... Live quality moments with your family always... Be more loving and giving to your parents, your children, your siblings... the beings who accompany you day by day... because life stops choosing us in a second... and every second of life lived with love... will be eternal in the heart of those who remain... 🌷 "
